Friday, January 2, 2015

To-Do Lists: The Procrastinator's Morphine

Oh, I love lists.

I love putting things on lists!

It's like doing something without actually doing anything!


Hehe. So, yeah... I am a life long procrastinator. And I am not fond of it. I've tried many times to jump start my productivity with new resolutions, tools, competitions, and "ingenious plans."

And yet, it still took me a DECADE to write my master's thesis... I used all of the excuses:
1. I hate to write.
2. I don't know what to write.
3. What if I write all this and my advisor thinks crap? Then I'd have to start over.
4. What the hell is APA!?
5. I suck at writing.
6. I don't even know why I have to do this... it's not like it will make me a better person, or smarter, or anything... I don't even use my degree now!
7. There are so many other important things I need to do: pay bills, clean the house, cook dinner, work, find work, fix that thing that's been broken for ages... etc.
8. There are so many other awesome things I want to do: play video games, roller derby, hang out with my friends, cuddle on the couch... etc.
9. Oh my gods will this list ever end!!?
10. Seriously, cut it with the list and get back to the post!

Well, I finally did finish that thesis. And it feels good. But along the way I'd say the most important thing I've learned is that to-do lists are bullshit!

I mean... what the hell is the point?

My life is not so busy that I can't just do the stuff that needs to get done. Putting it on a list just allows me to not do that stuff now. But, what if I just did that stuff now?

A few months ago a found a blog called Zen Habits. I really enjoy nearly everything the author writes. And this post had me confused for weeks! It's all about killing your to do list. Just wake up, and pick one thing your are passionate about... and do that.

Well, yeah, I thought he was as crazy as you do. And I just couldn't bring myself to try it. And then I did... Just a little bit... once a week, then twice a week... And a crazy thing happened. I GOT SHIT DONE! :)

I started running regularly.
I started writing in a blog regularly.
I kept much better records for my business.
I started cooking more meals from whole foods.
I took control over our finances and we started saving money!!
And I finished the DAMN THESIS!!!

A bunch of other good stuff happened too, but these ones really jump out at me.

Another amazing thing happened. I am MUCH happier.

There is just something wonderful about waking up and saying, "I'm just gonna do the stuff I want to do, the stuff that makes me happy, the stuff I care about."

I know this sounds insane... And I don't expect anyone to grok it just from reading this... After all, the Tao that can be described is not the everlasting Tao... If you want to truly understand, you must live it.

So, I have a challenge for you.


Put life on pause for a minute and ask yourself, "What am I passionate about?"

It may be a hard question to answer if you've not considered it in the past. We spend so much of our life doing what we are expected to do or what we think is "best." We often miss the opportunities to do what we love.

And if doing this seems uncertain, or even scary, then start small. Today I decided that I am passionate about enjoying the company of the people I will encounter today. The end result is a day of joy :)

On a larger scale I have found that I am passionate about health (mine and that of others), having meaningful relationships, challenging myself, and saving the world ;)

I'd love to know what you are passionate about. Tell me. Tell others! Let everyone know you are doing what you are passionate about.

You won't need a list if you are following your dreams :)
And you won't want to procrastinate when the tasks are what you WANT to do.


1 comment:

  1. This is pretty cool. Of course, if I didn't have to-do lists, I'd never get anything done because I wouldn't remember the things that need doing. :-)
    I envy people who follow their passions, who know their passion and can do something about it. They are far braver than I. If I paused and thought for a second about change, or trying something, or of all of the things that are wrong, that would be the end of me.
